
Check out the following resources if you need help beyond what we have here in the docs.

Ollie Child Theme

A child theme is a sub-theme that inherits all the functionality and style of the parent theme. Child themes are a safe way to modify a WordPress theme without directly editing it.

If you are looking to customize the code of the Ollie theme, we’ve created an Ollie child theme to help you get started. Otherwise, most changes to your site can be done in the editor these days.

Ollie YouTube Channel

The Ollie YouTube channel hosts a growing collection of high-quality video tutorials around modern WordPress, block themes, Ollie features, and more. Subscribe to the channel to get notified when new videos are published!

Developer Notes

The Ollie theme works out of the box, so no build steps are required. However, I have included a Composer file that is used for linting to PHP and WordPress core standards.

  • composer run lint
  • composer run wpcs:scan
  • composer run wpcs:fix


Ollie is a new theme built on bleeding edge features in WordPress, so we’re always looking for feedback. Please open a new issue for bug reports, feature requests, or general feedback.

About the Creators

Ollie was created by Mike McAlister and Patrick Posner, a team of code-slinging, pixel-pushing, award-winning creators from Planet Earth.

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